Gem City Rentals LLC - Frequently Asked Questions

Gem City Rentals
Frequently Asked Questions

Gem City Rentals LLC is the premier provider of quality single-family homes
for rent in the City of Dayton, Ohio

Gem City Rentals LLC is the premier provider of quality single-family homes for rent in the City of Dayton, Ohio

Below, you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions about Gem City Rentals LLC single-family homes for rent in the Dayton, Ohio area.

Feel free to explore our Homes for Rent and Contact Us for more details.

Rental Basics

What type of properties does Gem City Rentals rent?

All of our rental properties are single family homes.

Where are your home rental properties located?

Our single family home rental properties are located in the Dayton, Ohio area.

How can I check if a rental property is currently available for rent?

For updated rental availability, visit homes for rent or call us at (937) 415-1000

Rental Basics

What type of properties does Gem City Rentals rent?

All of our rental properties are single family homes.

Where are your home rental properties located?

Our single family home rental properties are located in the Dayton, Ohio area.

How can I check if a rental property is currently available for rent?

For updated rental availability, visit our rentals page or call us at (937) 415-1000

Property Details

How do I apply for an available rental property ?

To apply for an available rental property, visit our rental application page .

Is there a rental application fee ?

Yes, there is a $60 (non-refundable) application fee per adult.

Is a security deposit required?

Yes, we require one month security deposit on all our rental properties.

Do I need to have good credit to apply?

Yes, all applicants must have good credit. Unpaid medical and unpaid student loans do not count against applicant.

Is renters insurance required?

Yes, renters insurance is required and part of the lease agreement.

Are pets allowed?

No, pets are not allowed.

Are your rental properties smoker friendly?

No , all our rental properties are certified smoke free homes.

Property Details

How do I apply for an available rental property ?

To apply for an available rental property, visit our rental application page and download/submit our form.

Is there a rental application fee ?

Yes, there is a $60 (non-refundable) application fee per adult.

Is a security deposit required?

Yes, we require one month security deposit on all our rental properties.

Do I need to have good credit to apply?

Yes, all applicants must have good credit. Unpaid medical and unpaid student loans do not count against applicant.

Is renters insurance required?

Yes, renters insurance is required and part of the lease agreement.

Are pets allowed?

No, pets are not allowed.

Are your rental properties smoker friendly?

No , all our rental properties are certified smoke free homes.

Payment Details

When is rent due ?

All Rent Payments must be made by 5 p.m. on the first day of each month.

How do I make my monthly rent payment ?

Your monthly rent payment can be made either by phone (937) 415-1000 or online at pay your rent.

Payment Details

When is rent due ?

Rent is due the 1st of every month and no later than the 5th of the month.

How do I make my rent payment ?

Your monthly rent payment can be made either by phone (937) 415-1000 or online at payment.

Gem City Rentals LLC is the premier provider of quality single-family homes
for rent in the City of Dayton, Ohio

Contact Us

Gem City Rentals LLC

Office: (937) 415-1000

10600 N. Cassel Rd
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

    Contact Us

    Gem City Rentals LLC

    Office: (937) 415-1000

    10600 N. Cassel Rd
    Vandalia, Ohio 45377